Friday 2 September 2011

small ball pattern

Ball crochet pattern
NOTE this pattern uses us terms
Materials                               Abbreviations
3.5mm/size E crochet hook            sc = single crochet
Small amount of DK yarn            rnd = round
Darning needle
Toy stuffing
An increase is 2 sc stitches in the one stitch.
A decrease is 2 stitches crocheted together
A magic ring is a starting technique
Here’s a link to a page to show you how to make one
Make a magic ring of 6
(rnd1) increase around (12)
(rnd2) 1sc then 1 increase repeat until end of round (18)
(rnd3) 2 sc then 1 increase repeat until end of round (24)
(rnd4-6) sc around
(rnd7) 2 sc then 1 decrease repeat until end of round (18)
(rnd8) 1sc then 1 decrease repeat until end of round (12)
(rnd9) decrease around (6)
Fasten off, stuff firmly, and then use the end tail to sew up the hole. Pull the leftover yarn up through the project, and cut & wiggle the project around until the tail disappears.

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